Make your own!
So easy:
Get dates, chop them fine.
Then your base is Soy Protein powder* + regular porridge oats
unsalted unsugared Peanut Butter (slightly heated up to make it more runny, and smooth is much better).
Get some other dried fruits, and lightly chop these and some extra nuts.
(an optional extra that is quite handy is coconut oil)
Add the dates (you need quite a lot of them) and the peanut butter to a trusty blender till quite pasty (add the coconut oil at this point).
Pour over the oat and soy protein powder, add the chopped dry fruit and nuts, (add any additional flavouring you want), and get stuck in with your hand till its all Clif bar consistency.
Transfer to a container, squash it right down, and into the fridge for 12hrs.
*or any vegan protein powder, soy is the least unpleasant I've found so far.
(rough ideas of weights: 300g peanut butter: 150g protein: 400g oats: 100g(+) dates: 50ml coconut oil. But you need to play and change the recipe till you get the consistency you want (and the flavour))
I made a huge batch of this to take touring with me and it's really helped out so thanks a lot! The first day we were in France everywhere was closed for the bank holiday and I ate nothing but loads of this for 100ish miles and felt fine! I made 3 different varieties as well, one with loads of almonds mixed in,, one with dried banana and one with crystallized ginger (I had a Holland and Barrett voucher burning a hole in my pocket)
I made a huge batch of this to take touring with me and it's really helped out so thanks a lot! The first day we were in France everywhere was closed for the bank holiday and I ate nothing but loads of this for 100ish miles and felt fine! I made 3 different varieties as well, one with loads of almonds mixed in,, one with dried banana and one with crystallized ginger (I had a Holland and Barrett voucher burning a hole in my pocket)