If Danni built(well, had his overseas mechs) build up a fleet of track bikes using his frames and parts(with higher gearing of course) and donate them to a velodrome/group of skint, yet promising riders who could really test em would it help the brand image on here?
Depends what people hate about him.
For the people who just hate that anybody sells shit bikes to mugs, and thereby puts them off cycling, building decent bikes ought to be enough
For people who will never forgive the kind of exploitative marketing on which the brand was founded, nothing will ever be enough. The original "vintage" bikes were basically a misselling scandal which would have attracted serious penalties in Dani's day job.
Depends what people hate about him.
For the people who just hate that anybody sells shit bikes to mugs, and thereby puts them off cycling, building decent bikes ought to be enough
For people who will never forgive the kind of exploitative marketing on which the brand was founded, nothing will ever be enough. The original "vintage" bikes were basically a misselling scandal which would have attracted serious penalties in Dani's day job.