A quick fitting of bits just to see the geometry while I was having a tidy up in the workshop - the only bit here that is for the bike is the front wheel - unbelievably tiny compared to a 700c. (the back wheel is a carbon HCS tub with Hugi hub and blade spokes - I have a pair of them to go with my Rossin when it gets back from being painted, the Pista stem and bars are for the Rossin too).
A quick fitting of bits just to see the geometry while I was having a tidy up in the workshop - the only bit here that is for the bike is the front wheel - unbelievably tiny compared to a 700c. (the back wheel is a carbon HCS tub with Hugi hub and blade spokes - I have a pair of them to go with my Rossin when it gets back from being painted, the Pista stem and bars are for the Rossin too).