So I have finally got around to starting sanding away at an old bike I picked up for a project. Been very lucky a small ding in the top tube(which is step thru so won't notice as much and I can camo over with a protector or something) and that's it really.
Anyways, it doesn't have any drainage holes but from what I can see it doesn't have much/any rust either. Even the chipped away paint parts had little rust once I got the mud and crud off. Would it be worth drilling holes or could the cause more bad than good?
The plan for the bike is that after a respray and modern brakes+cranks it will make a nice bike for my partner to just pop to the shops and things on until she feels more confident and wants a better bike. It won't be left out in the elements and I doubt she will ride in the elements either.
So I have finally got around to starting sanding away at an old bike I picked up for a project. Been very lucky a small ding in the top tube(which is step thru so won't notice as much and I can camo over with a protector or something) and that's it really.
Anyways, it doesn't have any drainage holes but from what I can see it doesn't have much/any rust either. Even the chipped away paint parts had little rust once I got the mud and crud off. Would it be worth drilling holes or could the cause more bad than good?
The plan for the bike is that after a respray and modern brakes+cranks it will make a nice bike for my partner to just pop to the shops and things on until she feels more confident and wants a better bike. It won't be left out in the elements and I doubt she will ride in the elements either.