Currently in Wetherspoons (You can do take-out so you don't have to stay for the atmosphere) Yeastie boys Gunnamatta IPA, tea infused double IPA. Out of this world!
That popped up in untappd when I checked in a bottle of green-tea-infused-or-some-shit IKI at Wagamama last night. I thought they were Aussie given the name but I see it's Kiwi brewed for an Aussie beer festival. Might have to visit a 'spoons god help me..
That popped up in untappd when I checked in a bottle of green-tea-infused-or-some-shit IKI at Wagamama last night. I thought they were Aussie given the name but I see it's Kiwi brewed for an Aussie beer festival. Might have to visit a 'spoons god help me..