Secondly, a question. I have a two mile run coming up in six weeks, which may or may not be linked to a new job. I want to nail it, under ten minutes. Anybody got any training advice? I know how to go long and fairly fast- I've done 13 miles in 1:20 before- but short and very fast I have no idea. Haven't run in a couple of months, but generally fit and strong.
Thoughts at the moment are to do two longer runs a week- say eight miles, maybe ten, and one round of intervals up the steepest hill I can find. In three weeks make it one long run and two lots of intervals.
Firstly, good luck to those doing the marathon.
Secondly, a question. I have a two mile run coming up in six weeks, which may or may not be linked to a new job. I want to nail it, under ten minutes. Anybody got any training advice? I know how to go long and fairly fast- I've done 13 miles in 1:20 before- but short and very fast I have no idea. Haven't run in a couple of months, but generally fit and strong.
Thoughts at the moment are to do two longer runs a week- say eight miles, maybe ten, and one round of intervals up the steepest hill I can find. In three weeks make it one long run and two lots of intervals.