183 miles so it's not exactly a light pedal. Longest ride this year is 8 hours but have plans to do a few all day rides between now and MSR to make sure mentally and physically have spent a similar length of time in the saddle. Longest ride last year was 140 odd miles which was part of my LEJOG route and that was one day of 8 consecutive centuries. I know MSR is a big step up but rightly or wrongly replicating the training regime from last year.
Looks like I need to get the turbo out this afternoon! (it's pissing it down here)
There are other riders doing it yeah, so some bunch riding will help too. You save a tonne of juice sucking wheel. Kinda depends on the nature of the event.
There are other riders doing it yeah, so some bunch riding will help too. You save a tonne of juice sucking wheel. Kinda depends on the nature of the event.