Nominees for roles (put yourself on the list if you wish to stand for election, someone else needs to quote this and second your nomination):
NurseHolliday (seconded by Velocio)
pootsmanuva (seconded by Hats)
Hats (seconded by pootsmanuva)
Those roles in brief:
Chairperson: Oversees all club activities, providing support to other committee members and the direction in which the club is heading. Needs a strong belief in the purpose of the club, and will be responsible for: calling meetings, chairing meetings, delegating tasks, keeping aims of the club in mind at all times, being a spokesperson or figurehead, maintaining enthusiasm amongst other committee members.
Treasurer: Oversees all financial activity, knowing where we stand and being transparent and accountable. Advising on avoiding debt, and planning the finances. Is responsible for: keeping track of income/expenditure, forecasting, planning, monitoring, reporting, processing payments that need to be made, account management.
Secretary: Backbone of the club, makes sure things run smoothly. Takes care of affiliations to other organisations, managing the membership lists, arranging and minuting meetings, dealing with post and emails, record keeping, communicating with the club members.
There will be a swathe of tools to support all of this:
Xero for accounting, reporting, monitoring, book-keeping.
PayPal for automated payments, reported into Xero.
Google Docs for membership management (spreadsheets).
Forum for discussions.
Shopify for selling things.
Google Groups for inbound email being available to all committee members.
Streak CRM for managing visibility of handling email.
The tools are going to be put in place by me to ensure that the committee members have a very light workload even when the club gets large. Most of running the club will be automated as soon as the initial things (CIC, CASC, bank account) are put in place.
In advance of the meeting...
Nominees for roles (put yourself on the list if you wish to stand for election, someone else needs to quote this and second your nomination):
Those roles in brief:
Chairperson: Oversees all club activities, providing support to other committee members and the direction in which the club is heading. Needs a strong belief in the purpose of the club, and will be responsible for: calling meetings, chairing meetings, delegating tasks, keeping aims of the club in mind at all times, being a spokesperson or figurehead, maintaining enthusiasm amongst other committee members.
Treasurer: Oversees all financial activity, knowing where we stand and being transparent and accountable. Advising on avoiding debt, and planning the finances. Is responsible for: keeping track of income/expenditure, forecasting, planning, monitoring, reporting, processing payments that need to be made, account management.
Secretary: Backbone of the club, makes sure things run smoothly. Takes care of affiliations to other organisations, managing the membership lists, arranging and minuting meetings, dealing with post and emails, record keeping, communicating with the club members.
There will be a swathe of tools to support all of this:
Xero for accounting, reporting, monitoring, book-keeping.
PayPal for automated payments, reported into Xero.
Google Docs for membership management (spreadsheets).
Forum for discussions.
Shopify for selling things.
Google Groups for inbound email being available to all committee members.
Streak CRM for managing visibility of handling email.
The tools are going to be put in place by me to ensure that the committee members have a very light workload even when the club gets large. Most of running the club will be automated as soon as the initial things (CIC, CASC, bank account) are put in place.