That list is too long, we don't need all of that right now.
We only need:
1) Chair
2) Secretary
3) Treasurer
That's all we need right now, that's the critical core.
If, as suggested, Poots and Hats want to share Secretary then you could argue for the Vice Secretary too.
But let's not encumber the club with a top-heavy administration. That's one way to ensure that the committee aren't doing what the members want because we'll have invented jobs that don't yet need doing and people will always attach egos to their titles and seek something to do... i.e. why do we need a Youth Officer when the club excludes youths so that we can continue to ad hoc organise things without putting every volunteer through background checks. And why an event coordinator when events have always been organised by forum members in the past and we want that spirit to continue.
Creating and filling those positions implies that's what the committee does... which implies the members shouldn't be bothered as someone will do it for them.
It should be clear... the committee does the bare minimum to provide the members the structure, support and officiality of a club so that the members can do whatever the hell they like.
As for constitution, there are model constitutions we can use but we want to be two things:
These two things dictate that we are a non-profit entity acting in the interest of the members and the sport. The CASC status allows us to claim Gift-Aid on any donations received by the club and cements our non-profit status for third parties such as Xero, Shopify, etc thus ensuring we can get access to third party services as if we are a charity... for zero cost. CIC status ensures that we have the structure of a company (required by many third parties) yet are acting in the interest of the community and not shareholders ( read about that here: ).
With three roles filled, Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary... we can get the CIC done, the CASC done, the bank account opened, Shopify created, the kit ordered, the tickets sold for the velodrome, the book-keeping set up. Technology makes all of this a breeze, but we just need three people to sign things, and assume responsibility for their roles, and to keep everyone informed of progress. There's a chain of dependencies here, and I couldn't progress as I needed three signatures, that's what blocked everything.
We do not need, today, more than the 3 core roles filled.
If, in the future, need drives us to create other positions. Then cool... but we shouldn't create a single position without a clear need driving it.
That list is too long, we don't need all of that right now.
We only need:
1) Chair
2) Secretary
3) Treasurer
That's all we need right now, that's the critical core.
If, as suggested, Poots and Hats want to share Secretary then you could argue for the Vice Secretary too.
But let's not encumber the club with a top-heavy administration. That's one way to ensure that the committee aren't doing what the members want because we'll have invented jobs that don't yet need doing and people will always attach egos to their titles and seek something to do... i.e. why do we need a Youth Officer when the club excludes youths so that we can continue to ad hoc organise things without putting every volunteer through background checks. And why an event coordinator when events have always been organised by forum members in the past and we want that spirit to continue.
Creating and filling those positions implies that's what the committee does... which implies the members shouldn't be bothered as someone will do it for them.
It should be clear... the committee does the bare minimum to provide the members the structure, support and officiality of a club so that the members can do whatever the hell they like.
As for constitution, there are model constitutions we can use but we want to be two things:
1) CIC (Community Interest Company)
2) CASC (Community Amateur Sports Club)
These two things dictate that we are a non-profit entity acting in the interest of the members and the sport. The CASC status allows us to claim Gift-Aid on any donations received by the club and cements our non-profit status for third parties such as Xero, Shopify, etc thus ensuring we can get access to third party services as if we are a charity... for zero cost. CIC status ensures that we have the structure of a company (required by many third parties) yet are acting in the interest of the community and not shareholders ( read about that here: ).
The CIC has to have articles of association as per a company, and there are model articles that can be accepted:
The CASC has to have a model constitution as per a club, and there are model clauses for a constitution that can be accepted:
British Cycling also provide a model constitution, which take the CASC model clauses and adds a few more.
We only need accept the British Cycling model constitution above to start us out, as that covers the requirements of three committee members (roles given above). That document is here:
With three roles filled, Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary... we can get the CIC done, the CASC done, the bank account opened, Shopify created, the kit ordered, the tickets sold for the velodrome, the book-keeping set up. Technology makes all of this a breeze, but we just need three people to sign things, and assume responsibility for their roles, and to keep everyone informed of progress. There's a chain of dependencies here, and I couldn't progress as I needed three signatures, that's what blocked everything.
We do not need, today, more than the 3 core roles filled.
If, in the future, need drives us to create other positions. Then cool... but we shouldn't create a single position without a clear need driving it.