But, like multivitamins, that's essentially unscientific codswallop.
The national advice is primarily based on if you can include 5 proper sized portions of fruit and veg (ideally veg but they included fruit cos people like it) it's actually quite hard to find room/recipe for much "unhealthy" - fats, excess carbs etc. I know that for example if I do some courgettes with whatever main, I won't be able to eat chips.
That's essentially the public health logic. The human body is remarkably good at synthesis of most essential things from a staple and basically unvaried diet - if you mix it around within a week or month it's fine. No need to get every vitamin and amino acid, every meal. The most common vitamin deficiency in this country is due to people being darker skinned and stuck inside all day!
The whole 5 a day thing is codswallop because the public health folk cant be bothered to explain the detailed reality behind disease prevention, they cant even be bothered to understand it themselves. Statistically people who eat more fruit & vegetables do not die from heart disease & diabetes etc but the causality would be for a number of reasons such as these people statistically being more active, health concious, eating less processed food, consuming less calories overall etc.. so just throw a blanket statement out there that getting 5 a day will somehow safeguard the populace from something.. kinda BS really.
Most/all fatal modern chronic disease is related to inflammation. And to avoid inflammation is pretty easy, cut out simple sugar and do not consume poor quality omega-6 dominant vegetable oils, especially when frying - because it is not only extremely inflammatory but also carcinogenic.
Public health recommendations to eat wholegrains is total BS which is a simple continuation of the "eat lots of healthy pasta & bread carbs" propaganda derived from the american food pyramid which was developed by grain producing lobby. Grain fibre actually increases disease. And large carb intakes require a large quantity of physical activity or you are heading to both obesity and diabeetus - when combined with popular levels of sugary crap it is almost guaranteed.
Public health people never just say it like it is, and this trickles down to confusing info going from GP's or media to patients/populace.
In essence what you need to know;
Do not eat more calories than you need
Sugar fucks you up, if you are very active however you'll probably be ok.
Everyone should be active!
Eat natural foods where possible
Vegetable oil needs to be cold pressed and used cold - seed oils are dominant in n-6 though! Use fancy shit like macademia nut oil if you can afford it or just dont add veg oil to cooking.
Take steps to boost n-3 like eating grass fed meat & appropriate fish.
Fat used in higher temp cooking should be saturated because it is more stable and wont become toxic. Beef dripping, Coconut oil, Palm oil etc...
Being constipated is bad for you. Stay regular by eating vegetables. Not wholegrains.
Some vegetables, particularly brassicas have anti carcinogenic effects.
It is a myth that fruits are your one stop shop for Vitamins. Leafy greens or even potatoes contain as much Vitamin C as Oranges.
A lot of "superfoods" are almost nutritionally void, weird berries are ok when you are a hunter gatherer and something is better than nothing, but otherwise they are a waste of money & time.
Smoking, Alcholism & recreational drugs are bad...
but prescription drugs are sometimes worse.
The human body is robust and can take a lot of abuse and variety of bad stuff over a long time. It is actually hard to become diseased. But modern combination of processed semi-poisonous food and lack of activity are tipping us over the edge. But chronic disease like athersclerosis or diabeetus develops very slowly, so you have a long fucking time to sort yourself out.
Nothings going to extend your life significantly other than warding off chronic disease so do not concern yourself with the ultimate health concoction. If you eat predominantly natural unprocessed food, are not very fat and use your legs to get around, thats about as good as its going to get.
Exercise is the one true miracle medicine. Us humans just like every other piece of biology evolved to do stuff. It wont stop you getting cancer but it works for pretty much everything else. If you are a total glutton eating many magnitudes more of everything than we could have during our evolutionary development, you just get more awesome. Bigger, stronger & better looking - look at every athlete for example. If you gave the diet of an athlete to a sedentary person, they would become morbidly obese and die from either heart attack, kidney failure or metabolic disorder.
The whole 5 a day thing is codswallop because the public health folk cant be bothered to explain the detailed reality behind disease prevention, they cant even be bothered to understand it themselves. Statistically people who eat more fruit & vegetables do not die from heart disease & diabetes etc but the causality would be for a number of reasons such as these people statistically being more active, health concious, eating less processed food, consuming less calories overall etc.. so just throw a blanket statement out there that getting 5 a day will somehow safeguard the populace from something.. kinda BS really.
Most/all fatal modern chronic disease is related to inflammation. And to avoid inflammation is pretty easy, cut out simple sugar and do not consume poor quality omega-6 dominant vegetable oils, especially when frying - because it is not only extremely inflammatory but also carcinogenic.
Public health recommendations to eat wholegrains is total BS which is a simple continuation of the "eat lots of healthy pasta & bread carbs" propaganda derived from the american food pyramid which was developed by grain producing lobby. Grain fibre actually increases disease. And large carb intakes require a large quantity of physical activity or you are heading to both obesity and diabeetus - when combined with popular levels of sugary crap it is almost guaranteed.
Public health people never just say it like it is, and this trickles down to confusing info going from GP's or media to patients/populace.
In essence what you need to know;
Do not eat more calories than you need
Sugar fucks you up, if you are very active however you'll probably be ok.
Everyone should be active!
Eat natural foods where possible
Vegetable oil needs to be cold pressed and used cold - seed oils are dominant in n-6 though! Use fancy shit like macademia nut oil if you can afford it or just dont add veg oil to cooking.
Take steps to boost n-3 like eating grass fed meat & appropriate fish.
Fat used in higher temp cooking should be saturated because it is more stable and wont become toxic. Beef dripping, Coconut oil, Palm oil etc...
Being constipated is bad for you. Stay regular by eating vegetables. Not wholegrains.
Some vegetables, particularly brassicas have anti carcinogenic effects.
It is a myth that fruits are your one stop shop for Vitamins. Leafy greens or even potatoes contain as much Vitamin C as Oranges.
A lot of "superfoods" are almost nutritionally void, weird berries are ok when you are a hunter gatherer and something is better than nothing, but otherwise they are a waste of money & time.
Smoking, Alcholism & recreational drugs are bad...
but prescription drugs are sometimes worse.
The human body is robust and can take a lot of abuse and variety of bad stuff over a long time. It is actually hard to become diseased. But modern combination of processed semi-poisonous food and lack of activity are tipping us over the edge. But chronic disease like athersclerosis or diabeetus develops very slowly, so you have a long fucking time to sort yourself out.
Nothings going to extend your life significantly other than warding off chronic disease so do not concern yourself with the ultimate health concoction. If you eat predominantly natural unprocessed food, are not very fat and use your legs to get around, thats about as good as its going to get.
Exercise is the one true miracle medicine. Us humans just like every other piece of biology evolved to do stuff. It wont stop you getting cancer but it works for pretty much everything else. If you are a total glutton eating many magnitudes more of everything than we could have during our evolutionary development, you just get more awesome. Bigger, stronger & better looking - look at every athlete for example. If you gave the diet of an athlete to a sedentary person, they would become morbidly obese and die from either heart attack, kidney failure or metabolic disorder.
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