So, it turns out that the delay on my TTbike is no longer the busted mech hanger (which is apparently fixed) but that when they tried to fit my old brake levers (these levers previously mounted on these bars) to my new Zipp vuka alumina base bars, they discovered that they didn't fit. Apparently the old FSA Vision levers have an external mounting clamp, and the new Zipp bars require an internal 'expander bung' type clamp.
So, any recommendations for a decent set of new TT brake levers. My first thought were these Profile ones, but it's only a tenner more for these DA ones. Will the Shimano ones be noticeably better? Any other suggestions?
So, it turns out that the delay on my TTbike is no longer the busted mech hanger (which is apparently fixed) but that when they tried to fit my old brake levers (these levers previously mounted on these bars) to my new Zipp vuka alumina base bars, they discovered that they didn't fit. Apparently the old FSA Vision levers have an external mounting clamp, and the new Zipp bars require an internal 'expander bung' type clamp.
So, any recommendations for a decent set of new TT brake levers. My first thought were these Profile ones, but it's only a tenner more for these DA ones. Will the Shimano ones be noticeably better? Any other suggestions?