Got this old WeThePeople BMX. I think it's from 2011 but I'm unsure, it was bought from Evans after claiming on a stolen BMX. It took ages to claim so I built something else and this became surplus.
It has a salt group set. All it needs to be rideable is 2 new tubes, some grips and some general TLC.
It has sat in the garage for a while + has been moved, so has some surface damage, the main thing being the rear wheels red anodising has come off a fair bit, otherwise it is in good condition . It didn't see much use. .. I think that one of the brake guide is bent a little, though this doesn't affect it.
These retailed for like £379 I think, and because it's old etc, I'm asking for £125--£110-£100. Offers are welcome. Grab yourself a bargain.
Viewings welcome, based in SE23.
If you bring the needed parts + a long wrench you can build it here and ride it home .
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Got this old WeThePeople BMX. I think it's from 2011 but I'm unsure, it was bought from Evans after claiming on a stolen BMX. It took ages to claim so I built something else and this became surplus.
It has a salt group set. All it needs to be rideable is 2 new tubes, some grips and some general TLC.
It has sat in the garage for a while + has been moved, so has some surface damage, the main thing being the rear wheels red anodising has come off a fair bit, otherwise it is in good condition . It didn't see much use. .. I think that one of the brake guide is bent a little, though this doesn't affect it.
These retailed for like £379 I think, and because it's old etc, I'm asking for £125--£110-£100. Offers are welcome. Grab yourself a bargain.
Viewings welcome, based in SE23.
If you bring the needed parts + a long wrench you can build it here and ride it home .