Finally got around to measuring my rollout for Medium Gear events. On 48/18 it comes in at 18ft 4 1/4". So comfortably under.
6" doesn't sound like much, but on my calculations 48/18 over 25 miles is 7,193 pedal revolutions, meaning if I had a gear that rolled out to exactly 18ft 10 1/4" I would have to pedal 209 times less :0)
Finally got around to measuring my rollout for Medium Gear events. On 48/18 it comes in at 18ft 4 1/4". So comfortably under.
6" doesn't sound like much, but on my calculations 48/18 over 25 miles is 7,193 pedal revolutions, meaning if I had a gear that rolled out to exactly 18ft 10 1/4" I would have to pedal 209 times less :0)