I've got a Freud biscuit jointer which has given me no trouble and is accurate and easy to use.
Every time I have almost bought a table saw, I have read a bad review which has put me off it.
To be honest though, I just want one like Norm Abrams, fuck-loads of cast iron.
The pressed steel or aluminium contractor ones put me off from the start. You certainly don't want anything with a less than perfect mitre gauge on it. Or an under powered motor either.
bit of a minefield I think.
I've got a Freud biscuit jointer which has given me no trouble and is accurate and easy to use.
Every time I have almost bought a table saw, I have read a bad review which has put me off it.
To be honest though, I just want one like Norm Abrams, fuck-loads of cast iron.
The pressed steel or aluminium contractor ones put me off from the start. You certainly don't want anything with a less than perfect mitre gauge on it. Or an under powered motor either.
bit of a minefield I think.