The introduction of AAA points was the year prior to me taking it on and no info's/controls were handed on to me to cover this. Technically you could Larrington all four of the feature climbs so making it AAA watertight would turn it into a tedious pub quiz or a not-so-secret control hell.
As, I think, the fourth organiser and a non-grimpeur to boot, I see myself more of a custodian of the ride rather than the owner. I have proposed a few changes but the audience hasn't been particularly receptive. I don't think anyone troubling any of the medals tables will be doing a Larrington so I'm not inclined to introduce any changes to the calendar event.
For the permanent I think I'll make some tweaks this year so that there are no longer any info controls which are a bit of a pain, especially when members of ACH go out and do three in a week. I could just turn the info's into POP controls but I think I might be able to reduce the controls by one overall.
The introduction of AAA points was the year prior to me taking it on and no info's/controls were handed on to me to cover this. Technically you could Larrington all four of the feature climbs so making it AAA watertight would turn it into a tedious pub quiz or a not-so-secret control hell.
As, I think, the fourth organiser and a non-grimpeur to boot, I see myself more of a custodian of the ride rather than the owner. I have proposed a few changes but the audience hasn't been particularly receptive. I don't think anyone troubling any of the medals tables will be doing a Larrington so I'm not inclined to introduce any changes to the calendar event.
For the permanent I think I'll make some tweaks this year so that there are no longer any info controls which are a bit of a pain, especially when members of ACH go out and do three in a week. I could just turn the info's into POP controls but I think I might be able to reduce the controls by one overall.