• Promuter in Altura hi vis vest overtaking me with cm to spare before slamming on the brakes as the traffic in front was turning left across the bus lane down the side street we were coming to. I asked, "U MAD BRO?". The answer is yes. Yes you are mad for being a dick.

    Seconds later on the way over the canal. The hybrid rider that came from the canal towpath and just "merged" into the southbound traffic on the A10. The sound of my rear tyre skidding across the tarmac as I lock up to avoid a collision as you nonchalantly pulled out was the reason I told you. "Thanks for pulling out in front of me". I didn't feel the need to answer your repeated and breathless cries of "Ya whaaaaa, ya whaaaaat?" as it would have fallen on deaf ears as you were obviously struggling to get oxygen flowing around your brain this morning.

    "Great rant, would read again!" *****
