It was absolutely beautiful running through richmond park at 6 am as the sun came up and I was surrounded by deer and squirrels, then it rapidly got just that little bit worse as humans began to appear and every one of them to a man(/woman) was a miserable joyless cunt. it might be early but there's no reason to be so dour faced and miserable particularly when it's bright, sunny (albeit a little chilly) and you're surrounded by some amazing natural beauty (myself included obvs). every smile or nod I gave was returned with a look like i'd just shit in their cereal. cheer the fuck up people.
You want to try running in Wigan - I like to nod a cheery hello to everyone I pass, but they're the surliest bunch of cunts you'll ever meet. Friendly northern salt of the earth types my skinny white ass.
You want to try running in Wigan - I like to nod a cheery hello to everyone I pass, but they're the surliest bunch of cunts you'll ever meet. Friendly northern salt of the earth types my skinny white ass.