Bigoted Attitudes towards black people all being criminals, Muslims all being terrorists, cyclists all being rogue road users doesn't change by black people stopping committing crimes, Muslims all abandoning terrorism, cyclists all stopping rljing, Dutch people all stopping eating mayonnaise and women getting back in the kitchen. They stop by society deciding that being an ignorant, judgemental bigoted fuck isn't acceptable.
Couldn't agree more. But until we land on Planet Utopia where a significant part of the population isn't an ignorant, judgmental bigoted fuck, isn't it worth bearing in mind that a significant proportion of the population are ignorant, judgmental bigoted fucks and acting accordingly? It's not pandering to them - it's simply reflecting the fact that many people are quite stupid or at least can't be bothered to make the effort not to act stupidly. If one dumb fuck doesn't cycle like a twat, and as a result another dumb fuck doesn't get to justify conduct which might kill or maim me, then I'm all for people not cycling like a twat. On that, and many other grounds.
Couldn't agree more. But until we land on Planet Utopia where a significant part of the population isn't an ignorant, judgmental bigoted fuck, isn't it worth bearing in mind that a significant proportion of the population are ignorant, judgmental bigoted fucks and acting accordingly? It's not pandering to them - it's simply reflecting the fact that many people are quite stupid or at least can't be bothered to make the effort not to act stupidly. If one dumb fuck doesn't cycle like a twat, and as a result another dumb fuck doesn't get to justify conduct which might kill or maim me, then I'm all for people not cycling like a twat. On that, and many other grounds.