I'm quite tempted to wear a headcam when cycling in London for precisely these reasons. However, I don't generally wear a helmet in London (unless it's raining or cold enough to justify a hat) and I think a headcam on a strap would be a little big too ninja for me to carry off. While a GoPro on the handlebars would be a bit too much down the totally rad, dude line. Maybe I could wear one of those tiny microSD card cameras as a buttonhole.
I'm quite tempted to wear a headcam when cycling in London for precisely these reasons. However, I don't generally wear a helmet in London (unless it's raining or cold enough to justify a hat) and I think a headcam on a strap would be a little big too ninja for me to carry off. While a GoPro on the handlebars would be a bit too much down the totally rad, dude line. Maybe I could wear one of those tiny microSD card cameras as a buttonhole.