Not really, no. It's a method of transport which I choose to use. The only time it's relevant is whilst I'm cycling, a time when other road users are forced to make a snap judgement call about how to treat me; if/when to pass me, how much room to give me, how fast to pass me etc.
These decisions will be based (hopefully) on their knowledge and understanding of the highway code and in some cases on their previous experiences (both positive and negative) with other cyclists. I'd rather he hadn't just had some cunt on a bike jump a red in front of him or almost knock a granny over on a pedestrian crossing.
Not really, no. It's a method of transport which I choose to use. The only time it's relevant is whilst I'm cycling, a time when other road users are forced to make a snap judgement call about how to treat me; if/when to pass me, how much room to give me, how fast to pass me etc.
These decisions will be based (hopefully) on their knowledge and understanding of the highway code and in some cases on their previous experiences (both positive and negative) with other cyclists. I'd rather he hadn't just had some cunt on a bike jump a red in front of him or almost knock a granny over on a pedestrian crossing.