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  • I am both goal-oriented and bloody minded, if I decide to do cheap veganism for a bit it just isn’t a problem. Making curries from scratch rather than buying paste takes about 15-20 mins extra and saves £££, making a big vat of soup and freezing it in portions probably costs about a fiver (the veg stock is definitely the only expensive thing which you could, given enough time and determination, make yourself) and feeds you for days, and saves loads of time in the evenings if you’re knackered after work and can only just bring yourself to defrost something rather than cook a whole meal. Cooking with housemates or your partner = instant lessening of labour (a problem shared is a problem halved) (re:cooking, at least).

    my quickest default post-work snack is cous cous with half a tablespoon of veg stock in it, with some boiling water and a plate over the top for a couple of minutes. Instantly tasty and while it’s fluffing up (or cooking if I put it on the hob/in the microwave) I can dice some veg to steam/fry and whack it in.

    Veg is really cheap (unless you’re buying solely organic, sorry) and you can get these extremely helpful charts - - in loving hut in archway (next forum ride?) for about £3. the quality of that link isn’t great but it’s really a wonderful chart

    My mother in an incredibly uncharacteristic acceptance of my being vegan (still) has asked me to give a talk to her WI group in Oxfordshire about vegan baking and cooking next month. I’m nervous but quite excited to show them how delicious and easy vegan baking is. I think I’ll be making a powerpoint presentation (nerdlyf) to pool my various strata of knowledge about vegan cuisine from a few years working in food. Would anyone be interested in seeing it when I do? If so I can send it to you.

    Speaking of cake (never far from my mind unfortunately, sorry folks) I had a Ruby Tuesday mint choc cake from Greenwich market last week and it was AMAZING. Best vegan cake I’ve had in London.

    Anyone know anything about Veganz opening in London soon? I thought it was supposed to be “spring 2014” but it’s all gone rather quiet on that front

    When are we doing this place in Euston then? READY2NOM



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