in other news, i was at silverstone today. MASSIVE track. I loved some of the really complex sections but really struggled to get my head around them. took too much speed into them most of the time.
I ended up in the kitty litter at about 75mph - on the last lap of day! the ONLY time I didn't wet the bed into copse and carried so much speed I just spun it. POOD. MY. PANTS. I think I have broken something underneath.
not the track for a car with about three horsepower, but I was passing mgfs, and the hatchbacks. had the best dices with an mx5, but he had too much speed for me in the straights.
in other news, i was at silverstone today. MASSIVE track. I loved some of the really complex sections but really struggled to get my head around them. took too much speed into them most of the time.
I ended up in the kitty litter at about 75mph - on the last lap of day! the ONLY time I didn't wet the bed into copse and carried so much speed I just spun it. POOD. MY. PANTS. I think I have broken something underneath.
not the track for a car with about three horsepower, but I was passing mgfs, and the hatchbacks. had the best dices with an mx5, but he had too much speed for me in the straights.