• #2377
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I shall decide between 17 and 19 then :)
Pick both!
• #2378
47/18 all winter Dry
52/19 formerly Bad weather
48/17 fat tire 26er Worst weathertaking 48 crank/pedals from 26er to build summer "Butta Lugs" with 17/19 cogs
• #2379
all day long
• #2380
52 x 18
• #2381
• #2382
Will be switching to 48/16 as soon as i can find a cheap freewheel.
Fixed will be 48/18 to begin with or if I cant get a 18t cog in time will chuck a 17t on...
This is my fav ratio at the moment though:
1 Attachment
• #2383
I think 48:18 is pretty great for commuting and touring. Too bad it only gives 3 skidpatches.
• #2384
I´m using 46x17 for commuting in London, but sometimes I find myself spinning like crazy in streets with few traffic lights (mainly Victoria Embankment and Upper Thames Street). Next month I´ll replace the crankset for some Primatos and I´ll order a 47t ring for them and I was also thinking about flipping the wheel to use the 16t cog.
So how do you find 47x16 for London? Anybody using the same gear ratio?
• #2385
Ive just geared up the fixed bike with 49/17. Hope this wont be too crazy for my legs. I used to run 48/18 on the SS and was thinking about changing to 48/16 so hopefully this shouldnt be too testing.
• #2386
51/18. Almost the same as the 47/17 ratio that I had on the Rossin.
• #2387
^running 48:18 to shred away my ugly tires so I can get new ones.
• #2388
51:19 is the best ratio ever! Do it
• #2389
• #2390
Yep .5" more and 35 skid patches more.
What's not to love? -
• #2391
• #2392
Is everyone running lower than 48:16 brakeless? Do you not find it too spinny?
• #2393
I used to ride 48:16 and sometimes 48:15 brakeless. But then I saw the light. Learn to spin. It's better for your ego and your knees. #spintowin
• #2394
I swapped from 48:14 to 48:15 yesterday expecting it would feel like I was being pushed along by angels but I just felt like I ran out of gear. I ended up bouncing in the saddle anytime I wanted to race someone. Also, it's fucking exhausting spinning everywhere. On 48:14 you can pretty much coast if you want but can fly if you need, 48:15 felt like I was an overweight mother of 4 at a spinning class taster session.
• #2395
If 48:15 feels too spiny you're either much faster than anyone I've ever seen or seriously need to work on your form and it's likely the latter.
• #2396
Form? I thought it was legs go round, wheels go round.
• #2397
A nice 100 rpm cruise is 27mph on 48/14, how long can you keep that up for?
• #2398
Only 25mph on 48/15, well slow.
• #2399
According to Strava, about 60 seconds, then my lungs give out and my quads explode. Is 100 rpm a comfortable cadence for you?
• #2400
Or should it be for me? That seems really excessive.
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I shall decide between 17 and 19 then :)