It's been a long time, I've been travelling around the world, away from bicycles for a long time, got back in the country, riding/racing motorbikes for a bit, got married, and now I've decided to sell the motor to fund the project that never happened.....
My wife has a wonderfully built up Salsa Vaya (mixture of x7 and 105 group set, with rear rack and mavic wheelset).
I want the bigger, nastier equivalent.
my inspiration for this build is Scott's beautifully crafted english cycles 29er.
Obviously I can't afford an english (though I did consider it before getting the s-works...), So I'm thinking of going for a Salsa Fargo, Or surly ogre?
Evening all, you may remember me from such projects as -
It's been a long time, I've been travelling around the world, away from bicycles for a long time, got back in the country, riding/racing motorbikes for a bit, got married, and now I've decided to sell the motor to fund the project that never happened.....
My wife has a wonderfully built up Salsa Vaya (mixture of x7 and 105 group set, with rear rack and mavic wheelset).
I want the bigger, nastier equivalent.
my inspiration for this build is Scott's beautifully crafted english cycles 29er.
Obviously I can't afford an english (though I did consider it before getting the s-works...), So I'm thinking of going for a Salsa Fargo, Or surly ogre?
The only things I have in my mind are:
JONES H-BAR (anyone got any feedback on these?)
I need advice RE -
gearing setups (single/double front, ratios)
shifters - Thumbies? hoods on drops? bar ends?
let's see where this goes....
Good night x