1) Introductions- so you know who is there. I suggest that people sign in. Real names please.
2 ) Reason for the meeting- the acting chair explains why you are all here and what you are going to do that evening. Might be good to get some people to volunteer as tellers at this stage. A record of the meeting should be being taken.
3) Proposal to form the LFGSSC- This is your first decision and every thing else folllows from this. Some one will need to have drafted a formal motion to propose that the club's formed and it will need a propopser and seconder. Here is where it's explained in more detail what the clubs about, what it's going to do and not do. The club's legal status should be described . See all the above posts for that.
There should be a debate here so that all attendees and all prospective members know exactly what they are agreeing to . The motion should also include a proposal to elect a committee and adopt a constituition.
4) Electing Officers. Assuming that you agree to all of the above then you should move onto electing officers. The basics are a chair, secretary and treasurer. All will need to be proposed and seconded and elections held if they are contested. Committee members should also be elected at this stage- though they are more likely to be volunteers. I would strongly suggest that its made clear that being a committee member is a committment with responsibilties.
5) Adopting the club constituition. Assuming you adopt the BC "model one" then you will need to have either circulated already for agreement or the attendees can delegate it to the committee to draft it and return it for agreement at the next meeting. Getting it agreed there and then is preferable but might not be possible.
6) Membership- very important to agree this . The club rules will define memeberhsip and fees. I assume you are not going to be covered by BC until you have the done this. You also need the income to do the next item.
7) Motions to affiliate-members need to agree to affiliate to the relevant bodies and ask the committee to do the necessary paper work.
8) AOB- probably not too much.
I suggest that the agenda is timed so that you can get all the necessary business done that evening. Some one will need to have kept minutes etc or the meeting did'nt happen.
Also agree there and then when the next meeting is and the timetable for formally adopting the club constituition.
This is good^
Should we also discuss how decisions are made?. Ideally aiming for consensus where possible rather than defaulting to voting (I prefer cooperative systems)
This is good^
Should we also discuss how decisions are made?. Ideally aiming for consensus where possible rather than defaulting to voting (I prefer cooperative systems)