• #2
although on second thoughts perhaps a non-QR skewer would be best for anti-theft purposes. on third thoughts i should have said that it's not important how it looks, just that it is true and runs smooth.
• #3
hello (lloo loo oo) is this a dumb request or something?
• #4
nope. keep bumping, someone somewhere will have one and see it. You should check if it is 700c or 27", but sounds like probably 700c
• #5
thanks yes i will check tonight but pretty sure it's 700.
The bike I bought (Batavus Mixte from, I guess, the 80s) for my girlfriend came with a rear wheel shaped like an egg.
Would like a cheap rear wheel with 5spd sprocket attached - no need for tyre or skewer, I guess since I can transfer them across from the egg.
Tyre looked like a 28 or 30 to me, so some kind of rim that will suit that would be best!